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What is the exchange rate of flare (FLR) in AUD?

The daily exchange rate of Flare (FLR) to AUD fluctuated between a high of A$0.01968560 on Thursday and a low of A$0.01758396 on Tuesday in the last 7 days. Within the week, the price of FLR in AUD had the largest 24-hour price movement on Wednesday (5 days ago) by A$0.00110097 ( 6.3% ).

What is 1 flame (FLR) in AUD?

The price of converting 1 Flare (FLR) to AUD is A$0.017839699562 today. Last updated 08:20PM UTC. Flare (FLR) is worth A$0.017839699562 today, which is a 0.0% increase from an hour ago and a -5.4% decline since yesterday. The value of FLR today is 2.4% higher compared to its value 7 days ago.

What is audchf long?

AUD CHF pair is often used as a measuring stick for the global economic performance. AUDCHF LONG Initiated a long position on AUDCHF, aligning with the trend from the daily support zone. The daily candle's robust reaction signals a strong potential for reversal.

What is the Australian dollar / Swiss franc gauge?

This gauge displays a real-time technical analysis overview for your selected timeframe. The summary of Australian Dollar / Swiss Franc is based on the most popular technical indicators, such as Moving Averages, Oscillators and Pivots. Learn more

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